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Missions Focus Sunday

We will focus on the mission groups that we support and take up a "noisy offering" to benefit our mission groups. Bring your spare change!

Combined Board Meeting

This is a meeting of the Elders, Deacons and Ministry Leaders. However, anyone is welcome to attend.

Ladies Tea

Theme: Fill Our Cup, Lord Wear your prettiest hat. Snacks, Tea and Coffee will be provided. special speaker and music.

Missions Focus Sunday

We will focus on the mission groups that we support and take up a "noisy offering" to benefit our mission groups. Bring your spare change!

Combined Board Meeting

This is a meeting of the Elders, Deacons and Ministry Leaders. However, anyone is welcome to attend.

Combined Board Meeting

This is a meeting of the Elders, Deacons and Ministry Leaders. However, anyone is welcome to attend.